Monday 8 June 2020

Daily Log

23rd may- Introduction to medicine internship (handovers and briefing)
24th may- Read up on CNS examination
25th may- ICU duty, learnt how to insert ryles tube
26th may- ICU Duty, read about antibodies in GBS and learnt how to intubate a patient
27th may- discussion about hypovolemic shock and metabolic acidosis treatment
28th may- differentiation of AKI from CKD, discussion about acute gastroenteritis
29th may- learned about quadriparesis causes and differential diagnosis for acute onset of weakness of limbs & functioning of NCS
30th may- discussion on thrombocytopenia and causes and relevance in an gastroenteritis patient
31st may- follow up on adenocarinoma patient developing epigastric pain and vomitings
1st june- referral of adenocarinoma patient to oncosurgeon and discussion of a possible treatment modality
2nd june- casualty duty, learned how to insert a foleys catheter
3rd june- hypokalemic periodic paralysis discussion on familial and autosomal dominant type of patterns and correction
4th june- Performed a pleural tap
5th june- Cause of pancytopenia in a HIV positive patient and necessity of  a bone marrow biopsy to determine the root cause
6th june- counselled patient on hyperglycaemia compatible potassium rich foods, follow up on patient with exudative tap by checking up on the CT reports of chest to rule out any malignancy
7th june- read about Andersen-Tawil syndrome
8th june- compiled intern blogs and discussion on possible peripheral neuropathy
9th june- OPD day observed a case of possible HHS with hypertension and read about diagnostic difference of DKA and HHS
10th june- Gathered and complied history of patient with HHS and possible pneumonia
11th june- responsible for recording the session, a case of quadriparesis and HFPEF
12th june- witnessed a pleural tap, read functions of pseudocholinesterase and its deficiency
13th june- pleural fluid sample viewed and discussion on the cause of loculations and possible causes of pleural effusion
14th june- casualty duty observed a patient on ionotropes and read about the various uses and types of ionotropes and the receptors they act on
15th june- discussion on diabetes and it’s relation with recurrent urinary tract infections
16th june- OPD day, saw a patient of a temporo-occipital infarct and performed CNS examination
17th june- learned about scapulo-humeral reflex and sternal reflex
18th june- took patient for an ortho referral (suspecting patellar synovitis) and dermatology (diagnosis tinea corporis and cruris)
19th june- venous thrombosis patient with diplopia and blurring of vision taken to ophthalmology for consultation with the department
20th june- discussion about arterial and venous hemorrhages and discussion on circle of willis and various symptoms associated
21st june- read about CSVT
22nd june- Leave
23rd june- assisted in putting a ryles tube, took history of case of CVA and performed examination
24th june- acute pancreatitis patient observed and taken for ultrasound abdomen
25th june- discussed about differences in PSVT AVNRT and panic attacks & treatment, their ECG changes
26th june- ABCDEF type of management in acute pancreatitis & BISAP scoring discussed
27th june- Discussion on Acute gastroenteritis differences between bacterial and viral infections
28th june- Read about ECG changes in different types of heart blocks
29th june- Read about circle of willis and syndromes associated
30th june- OPD day, Saw a patient of hypertensive emergency and found out differences in hypertensive urgency and emergency
1st july- Attended to a patient of acute seizure episodes with right upper limb weakness with no CT brain findings
2nd july- Viewed a cushing syndrome patient and took complete history
3rd july- TIA occurring in hypertensive emergency chances and physiology of ECG wave conduction.
4th july- 

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